Screen reader software is an essential tool for individuals with visual impairments to access and navigate webpages. However, it can sometimes fall short in conveying the visual layout and structure of a webpage. As a result, users may miss crucial information or have to rely heavily on their memory to complete navigation tasks.
To research and develop a complementary technology to the screen reader, which offers a continuous, interactive, and non-visual representation of a webpage's structure through audio-tactile feedback. This technology will leverage artificial intelligence to provide users with contextual assistance in navigating webpages efficiently.
In my research, I conducted a comprehensive review of academic literature to gather design recommendations for assistive technologies aimed at improving internet navigation for individuals with visual impairments. Based on these findings, I designed and prototyped various software and hardware solutions to complement existing screen reader navigation strategies.
To fund and recruit participants for my study, I partnered with academic, government, and research organizations. In my role as project lead, I conducted codesign sessions, focus groups, and usability evaluations with visually impaired participants and assistive technology experts. This collaborative approach enabled me to obtain valuable feedback and insights from the end-users and experts, which helped refine and optimize the technology for better usability and accessibility.
Raspberry Pico
3D printing
The Touch Matrix Assistive Technology Navigator (TOMAT Navigator) is an affordable, open-source assistive technology that leverages AI and tactile technologies to facilitate natural and intuitive internet navigation for individuals with visual impairments.
A Google Chrome extension is used to extract relevant HTML elements from a webpage and enable filtering, favoriting, navigation, and API calls to artificial intelligence functions (such as NLP and image description) in response to user input gestures. This is facilitated by a hardware interface, which uses a matrix of vibrators controlled by a Raspberry Pi microcontroller to represent the webpage elements and transmit user gestures to the Chrome extension.
Currently, we are in the process of clearing the legal paperwork to release the project's results as an open-source under the CERN-OHL-P license. Additionally, we are working on obtaining OSHWA certification for the technology and the publication of three research papers in peer-reviewed journals. These publications will showcase the positive impact of the TOMAT Navigator on improving the accessibility and usability of the internet for individuals with visual impairments.
REPAR scientific day 2023 (poster)
Digital book (report) published at OPHQ -
Source files on github (on going publication).
(Pending publication) "Assistive Technologies for Internet Navigation of Blind and Visually Impaired Screen Reader Users: A Narrative Review" - Juan Nino, Sherezada Ochoa, Jocelyne Kiss, Geoffreyjen Edwards, Ernesto Morales, Frédérique Poncet, and Walter Wittich.
(Pending publication) "Towards Improving Internet Navigation for Visually Impaired Screen Reader Users: Co-Designing an Open-Source Assistive Technology System" - Juan Nino, Jocelyne Kiss, Geoffreyjen Edwards, Ernesto Morales, Frédérique Poncet, and Walter Wittich.
(Pending publication) "Usability Evaluation of TOMAT, an Assistive Internet Navigation System for Visually Impaired Screen Reader Users" - Juan Nino, Jocelyne Kiss, Geoffreyjen Edwards, Ernesto Morales, Frédérique Poncet, and Walter Wittich.
Juan Nino PhD candidate - PhD student at Laval University in Quebec
Jocelyne Kiss PhD - Associate Professor of Arts and Technologies
Frédérique Poncet ERG PhD - Institutional Researcher, Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre (LLMRC)
Walter Wittich PhD FAAO CLVT - Associate Professor, School of Optometry
Geoffreyjen Edwards PhD - Professeur titulaire Faculté de foresterie, géographie et géomatique, Département des sciences géomatiques / Université Laval
Ernesto Morales PhD - Associate professor, Faculté de Médecine, Département de réadaptation / Université Laval
Cher Tieng Ting, Research assistant: MSc student in Vision Science - Low Vision Concentration - Universite de Montreal Canada
Romain Picot, Research assistant: MSc student at Créteil university, OT - France
Université Laval
Société Inclusive
CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre
CIUSSS Centre-Ouest
Regroupement des aveugles et amblyopes du Montréal Métropolitain (RAAMM)
Office des personnes handicapées du Québec (OPHQ)
Other supporters